
Primary is located in our Monterrico campus and hosts students from Primary 1 to 5. Our students flourish in our warm, friendly environment and leave us at the end of Primary 5, thoroughly prepared academically, emotionally and psychologically for the transition to Secondary.

From March 2024, Primary has a new state-of-the-art building in Monterrico. Architects Rosan Bosch Studio´s design has created playful learning spaces that transform the concept of education through design and innovation. Learn more about this innovative project here.

As they mature, students are increasingly involved in outdoor educational pursuits. In Primary 3, pupils camp in the School grounds. In Primary 4 they head into the foothills of the Andes to camp and in Primary 5 they travel further afield to explore the Paracas National Reserve. 
Primary is integrated with and reflects the ideals of the Young Round Square organisation and is committed to working on social and environmental initiatives.



The dual-language (English and Spanish) curriculum in Primary combines the best in international programmes stimulating pupils to become active thinkers, knowledgeable and open-minded.
An important aspect of our curriculum is our Personal and Social Education Programme (PSE) which encourages pupils to become principled and caring.


The Curriculum in Primary consists of the following subjects:



Physical education




PSE (Tutor group)


Peruvian studies



Religion (not obligatory)



At all times we are less concerned with marks achieved than with the progress of the students and the effort they put into their work. In Primary, much emphasis is placed on the establishment of sound work principles and a high degree of personal organisation.


Students are evaluated on an objective-based grading system: Exceeds expectations, Meets expectations +, Meets expectations, Meets expectations -, Developing and Emerging. Additionally, grades for effort and attitude are awarded each bimester as well as conduct diplomas and class diplomas.


At the end of each academic year subject and class prizes are awarded in the whole school prize-giving ceremony.