In recent years the school community, led by the students, has written The Markham Code. This describes the values and dispositions that we expect all the Markham community to stand for. The expectations are for all members of staff and parents as well as the students.
40% of our staff is foreign. Markham College seeks to hire the best national and international teaching staff to guarantee that our students receive the best education possible. We are proud of being able to offer an excellent education for our students. Discover more about our highly qualified teaching staff.
4 out of 5 students decide to pursue theInternational Baccalaureate programme, with a pass rate of 98%.On average, our students reach a score of 4 points above the world average. Also, more than 87% of our IB students receive a bilingual diploma. To achieve this, they have to study 2 languages at the first level language criteria or 1 language as the first level language and at least one other subject as a second language. In addition, some of our students choose to take English as their first language and French as their second language. Although this combination (along with their native Spanish) characterises these students as trilingual, it excludes them from the bilingual percentage mentioned above (otherwise the figure will be more than 98%).
Through our membership to the international organisation Round Square, we can offer an extensive exchange programme for Secondary students. These exchanges are an excellent opportunity to expand horizons and have unique experiences. You can find more information about our association and the exchange programme in the Round Square section.
We have agreements with several local and foreign universities. Likewise, as a result of the excellent performance that our graduates regularly have, we have preferential income in some local universities. During the year we hold several university fairs so that students can learn about opportunities in national and international universities. Most of the years, universities from Peru, United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Australia participate, amongst others. We also invite representatives of the universities to visit the school and talk with the students (and their parents) about the opportunities they can offer them. You can read more about the activities of our Secondary pastoral service.
Generally, our students apply and are accepted in several universities. In some cases, they choose to do part of their career to later complete it abroad. In the graph below we share the acceptances obtained until June 2018.