Bruce, who led the Lower School from 1994, was held in great regard by his students, whom he affectionately called his ‘monstros horribles’. His jolly, cheerful manner made him very popular with them and with their parents, many of whom will remember him wandering around the school, followed by his Staffordshire Bull terriers Guapa and Bosun.
They will also remember him supervising the end of day and ensuring that the students carried their own bags and didn’t just hand them over to their waiting mothers.
Perhaps Bruce’s greatest achievement was successfully supervising the section in its transition from all-boys to a co-educational school.
Staff who knew him well remember his smiling face and his profound generosity. Bruce was an extremely caring person who was proud to be at Markham and who worked extremely hard to make it a positive and happy place.
After leaving Markham, Bruce taught for a short time in the Sudan and then returned to Peru to work as Head of Fleming College in Trujillo. He finally retired in July 2011 and spent his final years in France and then in Spain with his wife Carmen Bello, herself a much-admired teacher and colleague in Markham for many years
Bruce died in London on 15th April with his family nearby.
Bruce is survived by his children Alistair and Daisie and his grandchildren Daisy and Louie
Bruce Allen
3rd January 1944 – 15th April 2021