Responsibility roles

At Markham College we strive to form responsible leaders, for this reason, we have different roles of responsibility, both in Primary and Secondary, which are obtained meritoriously through different selection processes.

The team of leaders supports carrying out extremely important and transcendental tasks for the life of the School's community, for example:
  • organising the recognition of service and maintenance workers
  • cooperating in the organisation and administration of the Secondary Sports Day and Swimming Gala
  • organising and leading the weekly assemblies as well as the end of bimester assemblies
  • helping with the management of School performances
  • supporting parent meetings
  • helping with the orientation (P5) and introduction (P6 and transfers from other schools ) of new students to Secondary
  • organising various campaigns among students, etc.
The leadership opportunities are many, among the main ones we have the Student Leaders Team that is made up of:
School Captains
House Captains
Council Captains